We begin July here in the UK with something of a momentous day, as a new government has been elected, and I am personally very pleased with the result. A vote for hope, and a vote for change.
I decided to take June off from my weekly post schedule here on Substack. No particular reason, other than I was feeling a bit drained, creatively dry and in something of a rut.
I wouldn’t say I have found a way out of this rut, or am back with a vengeance, but I think it is important that our rituals, plans and schedules do not rule or control us, and my aim with this whole thing is to bring an openness and honesty to the sharing of my creative process and work.
It would be incongruous to only share the good parts of this. A longer, written post is brewing on this, to come soon, I’m sure. In the meantime, let me know in the comments what has been going on for you…?
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